The North Pole’s floating
ice-reef habitat is disappearing

Arctic Ocean biodiversity

& ecosystem services are at risk

Are you briefed to respond?

* Representing annual summer sea ice extent


Commercial vessels:
Bring impacts, stressors & risks
to an undisturbed ecosystem

As the floating sea-ice cover recedes to create a newly-accessible ocean, the unique biodiversity within the Arctic Ocean – already compromised by the loss of its sea-ice habitat – now faces the impacts, stressors and risks caused by commercially-motivated vessel activities.

The most biologically active (ie uppermost) layer of these waters is also experiencing warming, acidification, and changes in salinity, significantly faster than anywhere else on Earth, due to global greenhouse emissions and the regional processes that drive the Arctic Amplification Effect.

The direct impacts, and resulting stressors, generated by vessels involved with commercial fishing, trans-boundary shipping, cruise-ship tourism, and hydrocarbon/mineral exploration-extraction put at heightened risk the sustainability of the Arctic Ocean’s biodiversity, and the life-supporting  ecosystem services this biodiversity provides to the global public.

Learn more about this issue

Proposed solution: Protect this undisturbed global commons

for the global public’s benefit

90 North Foundation’s proposed solution, underpinned by scientific research, is to catalyse agreement for a comprehensive suite of conservation measures for the Central Arctic Ocean through an international treaty (such as an ‘Arctic Ocean Treaty System’), resulting in the establishment of a North Pole Marine Reserve (or similar).

Within the wider context of the world’s ‘high seas’, the Central Arctic Ocean is, by international law, a global commons with unique geophysical and oceanographic characteristics, and an entire ecosystem that has remained undisturbed throughout human history.

Encircled by the Arctic’s coastal states and their respective Exclusive Economic Zones, the world’s northernmost global commons covers 2.8 million square kilometres and includes the North Geographic Pole. The proposed treaty would become the world’s largest and likely most iconic marine reserve, providing the highest level of conservation protection for its biodiversity and ecosystem services.

Learn more about our work

"With your support we will establish the North Pole Marine Reserve for the global public benefit."

Marine research, public education and conservation advocacy are now urgently needed to protect the region’s threatened wildlife, habitat and ecosystem services.

In a partnership with the 90 North Foundation, the University of Exeter’s world-class marine research faculty has set up the Arctic Ocean Research Unit. Its purpose is to research the risks to the region’s biodiversity and ecosystem services – and the solution.

Play introduction
Pen Hadow
Arctic Explorer & Conservationist

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this valuable ecosystem:


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