Oceanographic column – The Arctic bug

December 18, 2024

Oceanographic column 1 Pen Hadow

“Back in 2018, our glorious Oceanographic magazine launched its Issue No 1. Its cover story, written by me was called Saving the Arctic, and subtitled One man’s mission to protect the Arctic Ocean before it’s too late. Supported by Florian Ledoux’s world-class images of polar bears, the article reported on the evolution of my work over 30 years on the Arctic Ocean, since my first experience on its ephemeral sea-ice cover. Now, at the end of 2024, I’m delighted to introduce myself as one of Oceanographic’s new online columnists…”


We are excited to announce our founder Pen Hadow, has become one of Oceanographic’s regular columnists.  Follow this link to read column 1 in full.